Since 1996 Unioncamere Veneto is present in Brussels with its own Representation. The offices of Unioncamere Veneto are adjacent to those of the Veneto Region in order to allow the two structures to operate in harmony on dossiers and activities of common interest. The Delegation in Brussels disseminates news and information on EU policies and identifies the most interesting opportunities for the Veneto production system, through a monitoring service of EU calls for proposals.
One of the main activities of the Brussels Delegation is, in fact, the assistance to companies, Chambers of Commerce and Trade Associations in the presentation of EU projects. The assistance covers all phases of the project: from conception to presentation, from the search for partners to reporting.
The Delegation also organizes meetings with officials from European institutions, with the aim of improving dialogue and the exchange of information with regional and local authorities.
The Brussels office organizes an annual training seminar on European policies, with lectures given by representatives of EU institutions. Young graduates are also offered the possibility of an internship at the office, for a period ranging from three to six months.
The domiciliation service, finally, offers the possibility to local authorities, such as municipalities and provinces, universities, trade associations in the Veneto region to have a direct contact with the EU institutions in the European capital and a strategic presence where important decisions for Italy and Veneto are taken.
Through the stipulation of an agreement with the Veneto Region and Unioncamere del Veneto, the domiciled institution benefits from multiple services including:
- Connection activities with the services of European Institutions;
- A fortnightly information bulletin (Eurosportello Informa) and a schedule of calls for proposals;
- Assistance in the search for partners to present EU projects;
- Training stages for employees (up to 3 months);
- Collective meetings during the year to agree on activities of common interest to all residents;
- Use of meeting room and operational support;
- Preparation of specific reports on selected subjects;
- Organization of seminars or short training courses.