Unioncamere Veneto plays an important role in the collection, production, and dissemination of statistical and economic information at regional level, also making use of the collaboration of other local authorities, research institutes and universities.
Within the framework of the functions provided for by its Statute (art.2 paragraph b), Unioncamere Veneto carries out, through its Study Centre, actions of observatory and monitoring of the regional economy and public finance, carrying out periodic surveys, economic-statistical analysis and editing publications and research reports, with the aim of providing a knowledge base suitable to support companies, institutions and operators in the social, economic and territorial planning of the Veneto.
With this aim, all the activities of the Study Centre are oriented to the valorization of the information resources of the Chamber and to the systematization of statistical information from official regional, national and international sources to assess the trends and forecasts of the main economic sectors.
Since 2004 Unioncamere Veneto is part of the National Statistical System (SISTAN) and through the Study Center coordinates the network of Studies and Statistics Offices of the Chambers of Commerce of Triveneto.
Recently the D. Lgs. 23/2010 of reform of the L. 580/1993 has assigned to the regional unions of the Chambers of Commerce the task of carrying out functions of observatory and monitoring of the territorial economy, outlining a leading role in the analysis of economic and social contexts. This is a novelty of great importance for the regional structures of the chamber system, as it is formalized on the regulatory side a competence to monitor the regional economy that Unioncamere Veneto exercises for over forty years.
The activities of the Study Center are divided into 3 areas: