Unioncamere del Veneto has acquired an in-depth competence in the field of “State aids”, thanks to the work carried out in favor of the regional chamber system for the adaptation to Community legislation.
Through notifications and communications of single aid or aid schemes to the European Commission, as well as through a strict application of the relevant community principles, Chamber interventions have been harmonized with community guidelines. All this always in order to simplify as much as possible the administrative and accounting obligations charged on companies.
As part of that experience, since 2002 Unioncamere del Veneto published, in collaboration with some lawyers expert in the field, the “Manual for Venetian Chambers of Commerce and controlled institutions”, an important tool to clarify the application of some regulations part of the community regulations about “state subsidies”, specifically addressed to Chamber of Commerce, category Associations and beneficiary companies. The Manual is updated every year, generally the 30th of June.
The significant normative development in that sector recorded in recent years, requires a constant update and a specialist assistance, which is offered by Unioncamere through this special section on its website.
Manual for state subsidies
The Manual collects the experience gained by the Venetian Chambers of Commerce in the field of state aids, also useful for other public bodies that provide funds to enterprises and for all those who want to study concrete application cases of this fundamental community legislation.