The Working Group on Alternative Justice, recently extended from regional to Triveneto, involves those responsible for arbitration and conciliation services of the Chambers of Commerce and ADR bodies (Alternative Dispute Resolution) of Chamber derivation (Curia Mercatorum and National and International Arbitration Chamber of Venice) operating in the North East, in order to develop common interpretative guidelines (also on the basis of indications from Italian Unioncamere) and share good application practices in relation to national and Community rules on arbitration and mediation/conciliation in its various forms, with particular reference to Legislative Decree no. 28 of 4 March 2010 and D.M. 180/2010. Periodically it is concerned with the updating of the current data provided by the Chambers of Commerce on conciliation procedures, ongoing and concluded; it also implements, with the support of Unioncamere del Veneto, the planned activities to promote the service itself through project initiatives (Equalization Fund) and events (Conciliation Week).
The Working Group on Alternative Justice
Last modified: 14 May 2021