Unioncamere del Veneto and Regione Veneto work together to promote the economic development and stimulus of Veneto companies.
Through their in-depth knowledge of the territorial entrepreneurial system, Unioncamere del Veneto and Region draw up the Program Agreement, whose aim is to maximize the effectiveness of interventions in favor of the competitive development of the regional economic system. The main goal is to seek synergies through the development of a common strategic framework and the conclusion of agreements between the two institution.
The main policy goals of the agreement are:
- economic growth through internationalization, exports, territorial marketing, tourism and cultural promotion
- development of an “economic diplomacy” aimed at promoting regional Venetian values
- development of public finance studies, especially in federalist reforms
- spread of the productive districts through the regional council of the districts
- European integrations of SMEs in Veneto via Eurosportello and Europe Enterprise Europe Network
- Community policies and financing, structural funds and state aids
- Competences oh the environmental issue
- Promotion of the characteristic quality of Venetian companies
- Market protection and regulation
- Exchange of information for the protection of market regulation
- Exchange of information in enterprises’ register
- Immigration policies
- Veneti Council in the world
- Promotion of social responsibility in companies
- Consumer protection policies
In addition to the aforementioned Program Agreement, Unioncamere del Veneto and Veneto Region collaborate in the implementation of numerous other initiatives listed below:
Collective Mark “Quality guaranteed by the Veneto Region” (l.r.n.17 July 23, 2013)
The Veneto Region, after a long preparatory process in collaboration with Unioncamere del Veneto, approved on 23 July 2013 the Measures law to ensure the quality of products and services and the adoption of the quality mark with origin indication “Veneto Quality”. With this law (amended with DGR n.778 of 14 May 2014) was born the collective brand “Quality Guaranteed by Veneto Region”, with the aim to promote the best part of the Venetian production system while protecting the health and safety of the consumer. The brand is owned by the Veneto Region, which guarantees its reliability thanks to a precise quality monitoring system. Thanks to the development of specific procedural guidelines, currently being tested under the supervision of Unioncamere del Veneto, the brand wants to represent the distinctive mark of products and services, agricultural and non-agricultural, that meet quality requirements, social responsibility and environmental sustainability. The brand is open to any manufacturer that meets the requirements and has been filed also in the English version, in order to make its use effective also for companies that export their products and services to international markets.
Regional Economy and Finance Document
Unioncamere del Veneto participates actively as “stakeholder” at the drafting table of the Regional Economy and Finance Document of the Veneto Region, providing information and formulating solutions for the development of the economy and the internationalization. This document sets put the policies and the goals that, on an annual basis, constitute the social, economic, territorial and administrative priorities.
Corporate Social Responsibility Memorandum of Understanding
Unioncamere and Veneto Region work together to introduce social responsibility in companies. Since 2006 Unioncamere has participated in the definition of the Memorandum of Understanding on Corporate Social Responsibility. The aim is to raise awareness, inform and train businesses and citizens to the culture and principles of the CSR, encouraging the industrial and entrepreneurial fabric of Veneto on the issues of environmental sustainability and “Green Economy”, also through the “multistakeholder forum”.
Community Pact “New Veneto”
Unioncamere del Veneto, Regione Veneto and Veneto Responsabile outlined a pact for the sustainable development of the territory and the local communities, aimed at getting out of the current financial economic crisis as effectively as possible. The Pact is primarily based on direct listening to issues.
Regional Observatory on federalism and public finance
Collaboration between Veneto Region and Chamber system for the optimization of public finance and fiscal federalism through the continuous monitoring and the cross-analysis of data on center-periphery financial flows, tax evasion, on the operating expenditure of central and peripherical administrations, and on public debt expenditure.
Regional conference on economic dynamics of work
The regional conference on economic dynamics of work is a tool of analysis and guidance on the economy and work at the regional level, based at the Regional council of Veneto. Unioncamere del Veneto supports the project providing information on studies, analysis and systematic monitoring of the economic dynamics that characterize the factors of regional competitiveness.
Regional table on work-school alternance.
Unioncamere del Veneto participates together with the Region, the regional school office, trade associations and workers at the regional table on school-work alternation, acting as a bridge with the local Chambers of commerce.
The connection between schools and the world of work, at national, regional and territorial level represents a relevant aspect of the school reform regulated by Law n.53/2003. Article 2 of the legislative decree of 15 February 2010, n.23, to reform the set of rules of Chambers of Commerce consolidates the role of the institution as a link between the education world and the economic field. Alternance is a training methodology that allows young people who attend vocational schools, but also high schools, to carry out their education by achieving a part of the training in an enterprise/institution. This work experience guides the student in understanding the professional activity applied to the specific field.
Regional council for immigration and emigration
Unioncamere del Veneto participates with the Veneto region in regional consultations for the management of immigration and emigration.
On the immigration issue Unioncamere del Veneto partake in the drafting of the regulation law n.9 of 1/1990, with which the Veneto Region has transposed the Community directives for the integration and promotion of immigrant workers, promoting the integration and maintenance of their social identity. The purpose of the council is at the same time to monitor and control the phenomenon of immigration and its socio-economic impacts.
In terms of emigration, Unioncamere del Veneto and Veneto Region collaborate at the Veneti in the world council with the aim of promoting the internationalization of Venetian companies through economic collaboration opportunities between Venetian entrepreneurs in Italy and abroad. Unioncamere del Veneto has established a constant and assiduous collaboration with the Region, thus becoming the main partner for finding information, deepening economic issues, and developing relations between the venetian communities abroad and the regional business system. There are four main actions carried out by Unioncamere in favor of the Venetians in the world:
- To inform, sending to the regional associations and federations abroad newsletters, invitations of initiatives of specific interest, divulgating the information received by the single associations.
- To build and animate the network, participating and supporting the coordination of young venetians abroad, the work of the council and organizing meetings with spokespersons and European institutions.
- To make formation, through courses for the consultors and the executives of the venetian federations or through specific distances like that of e-learning called “E-Young”, funded by the region and aimed at providing young people with some tools for the renewal of their associations.
- To participate in European or national projects, both through technical support and presentation of project ideas.
Casa Veneto – Brussels
Since 1997 Unioncamere and Regione Veneto have opened Casa Veneto, a representative office in Brussels to talk and discuss with the European community.
“Casa Veneto”, moreover, interfaces with the Permanent Representation of Italy to the European Union and maintains relations with other regional realities to develop a partner bank with which participate in the community programs and obtain their financing.