Guido Beermann, Chairperson of the General Assembly of the Scandria®Alliance and Minister of Transport of Brandenburg: “The Scandria®Alliance welcomes the Commission’s proposal as an important step towards building a cleaner and spatially balanced trans-European transport network. Regions and cities have a key role in shaping a multimodal and climate-smart transport system. The Scandria®Alliance is ready to act as a partner of the European Coordinators and contribute constructively to corridor fora and relevant working groups as a joint voice of cities and regions along the Scandria®Corridor.”
Following the structure of a Scandria®Alliance position paper developed during the public consultation phase of the TEN-T revision process in May 2021, our new paper focuses on urban nodes, multimodal transport chains, the multi-fuel approach, cross-border sections of the corridor as well as governance issues.
Urban nodes – first and last mile connections to the CNC
The Scandria®Alliance members underline that their understanding of urban nodes is a functional one. This is why urban nodes must not be strictly limited to the administrative borders of cities, but should also include multimodal freight terminals in peri-urban areas if these link the TEN-T network with urban transport. Alliance members also welcome the condition to include zero-emission urban logistics in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) of urban nodes. What is more, the Scandria®Alliance kindly asks the Commission to take notice of the specific needs of cross-border urban nodes.
Multimodal transport chains
The Scandria®Alliance members highly appreciate the emphasis put on multimodal transport in the draft regulation. This is regarded an important step towards a truly multimodal transport system. However, our members stress that infrastructure measures alone are not enough to achieve a shift towards more sustainable modes of transport. Accompanying policy measures are needed, e.g. with regard to track fees or customs operations.
Green and smart mobility for freight and passengers by strengthening the multi-fuels approach
The members of the Scandria®Alliance appreciate the stronger emphasis on sustainable transport in the proposed new regulation, putting sustainable transport as first objective and defining clear and concise requirements for clean and sustainable transport with reference to the regulation on alternative fuels infrastructure (AFIR). At the same time, the Scandria®Alliance asks the Commission to take notice of the fact that liquid biogas (LBG) and compressed biogas (CBG) produced from renewable sources can provide a substantial contribution to decarbonising transport – in particular in heavy-duty and maritime transport.
Cross-border transport and highlighted sections of the corridor
From the perspective of the Scandria®Alliance, enhanced cross-border links strongly support the competitiveness of our cities regions by providing improved access to markets, workforce and services. The Scandria®Alliance is happy to see that the European Commission is continuing its support to core infrastructure projects such as the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link and the Brenner Base Tunnel. More specific adjustments are suggested regarding the cross-border sections between Stockholm (Sweden) and Oslo (Norway) as well as Vaasa (Finland) and Umeå (Sweden).
The members of the Scandria®Alliance very much appreciate the European Coordinators’ efforts to strengthen the governance along the core network corridors. As a joint voice of cities and regions along the Scandria®Corridor, the Scandria®Alliance is ready to contribute constructively to the fora and relevant corridor working groups if the responsibility of its members is concerned. We are convinced that cities and regions have a key role in further developing a future-proof, climate-smart and multimodal trans-European transport system.
Download our entire position paper as a PDF here