Venezia, 7 aprile 2020 | Venerdì 10 e venerdì 17 aprile, l’Ufficio OCSE di Venezia, di cui Unioncamere del Veneto è partner, organizza due webinar per rivedere gli impatti dell’attuale crisi della pandemia da virus COVID-19 sui settori culturali e creativi.
10 aprile, ore 14.00-15.30
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and museums: impact, innovations and planning for post-crisis
Co-organised with ICOM and in partnership with the European Commission, World Cities Culture Forum, nesta, Fondazione di Venezia and Unioncamere Veneto
Participation open through registration, by 8 April 2020
17 aprile, ore 15.00-16.30
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and cultural and creative sectors: impact, policy responses and opportunities to rebound after the crisis
Co-organised with the European Creative Business Network (ECBN) and in partnership with the European Commission, World Cities Culture Forum, nesta, Fondazione di Venezia and Unioncamere Veneto
Participation open through registration, by 15 April 2020